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BBC erbjuder bra nyheter men också en lista på vad alla andra skvallrar om. Och sagan om de vidriga i FC Barcelona går storyn vidare…

1134 BST: Barcelona president Sandro Rosell has admitted they may not be able to sign Arsenal captain this summer. Rosell says there are currently no talks between the two sides over a deal for Spain midfielder.
“Arsenal feels very hurt by Barca,” Rosell told Catalan TV3. “They don’t want to listen to offers or sell and they are not putting the player on the market. There was a strong dispute a few months ago and they have not forgotten it.
“He will arrive, even if it is not now, it will be next year. We will see. One thing that is certain is that we will not go mad trying to sign him. No shareholder would pay 60 or 70m euros for him.
“We will not go all out for him. We would only pay his value in the transfer market.” (Press Association)

“Value om the transfermarket”?
Om Arsenal vill ha €80m för honom så ÄR det värdet på transfermarknaden. Ännu mer så när killen är kontrakterad till 2014.
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/Eriksson –

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